
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Afraid ??

Is sacrificing ur true feelings because you don't have the heart to break one's feeling is LOVE?
if that's the case, following ur true hearts feelings, would not be called LOVE?
since some sayings goes like "love is all about sacrifice", to which extend does the sacrifice applies?

Is feeling afraid of losing someone to be there for you is LOVE?
then, NOT afraid of losing them, would not be called LOVE?

Is it more worthwhile to love someone whom LOVE's u more, than someone who loves u equally as u do love them?

I believe LOVE is a feeling, that u can feel inside u towards matter how hard denying the very fact of the feeling that u felt inside..perhaps afraid what will be unfolded later in life is why u try hard denying it, perhaps afraid that ur very decision will bring misery rather than joy u sought after.

The very thing i'm sure now is, making decision is what i'm afraid of..though quite certain of
the feelings.


Nur Faziha said...

hmmm.. complicated juga.. apa2 pun.. wish u all the best..! gambate..!!

@tune® said...


-f-l-o- said...

Well. Everyone has a different interpretation of what love is. And the scary thing is, it changes through time.

A friend said to me, initially love is a feeling. Then it is a decision.

When you are married to a person you LOVE, you bound to fall out of it but it is a DECISION that keeps you together - a decision to stick through thick and thin despite all the flaws and arguments.

See what I mean?