
Monday, June 8, 2009

Got Patience anyone?

If ever i learned about myself all along these years is, i have very little so-called "patience" in me. Seriously if i were to learn and look back at things that has been done and can't be times i do regret, but at times it helped too. When i get things easy in front of my eyes without even really have to work that hard for it...i started thinking i want more challenge, and maybe earn more than this..when what i should be thinking at first is:

To be grateful to God for what he has given me

Instead of thinking i want a more challenging jobs, the current job bore to the core and keep finding patty things to nag about, at the end of the day i learn that a challenging job is what i make of it..its really up to me, how i craft it to be challenging and meaningful job on daily basis. When i realized that what i was searching for in a job actually was in me for as long as i've step my two feet into the working world.

And for as long, i've been focusing on a wrong set of wonder the more thirstier i get to reaching my wrong set of goal..the more it drains me out, day by day

Now i realize, that if ever things come easy..i still have a lot to learn on -how it comes easy?, what has been done previously to makes it comes easy as it is today? how do i sustain the things as it is now? how do i make it better? whom do i have to connect myself with in order to sustain and improve things as it is now?

Furthermore, i've learned that when things comes will push ur motivation down, it will get u stressed up, when u're so used of getting things easy as it is..and worst don't appreciate it. And that's when i realised I MADE THAT JOB..not THE JOB MADE ME.

One more thing, be carefull of what u wish for...IT REALLY COMES TRUE, just a matter of time..and when u asked for challenging stuff, u've got to have high level of patience (which is a really hard thing for me to swallow now). Too bad i've to admit.

I guess, i'm a little bit of a slow learner when it comes to life principal...but nevertheless, I've LEARN & REALIZE the bigger purpose...i hope all of you do too ;-)

p/s: i hope its not too late...hehe

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